
Premarital Sex Survey (5 question)

婚前性行为问卷 (五题问题)

 1) Do you agree with premarital sex? 你同意婚前性行为吗?

A) Agree 同意    B) Disagree 不同意     C) Neutral 中立



2) In which stage premarital sex normally happen? 婚前性行为在哪一个阶段最普遍?

A) 14-17years old 14-17岁     B) 18-21years old 18-21岁     C) 22years old and above 22岁或以上

Other please specify:




3) Do you think premarital sex has more benefits or harms? 你认为婚前性行为的好处还是坏处比较多?

A) Benefits 好处     B) Harms 坏处     C) Both 两者都有



4) What do you think the social effect of premarital sex? 你认为婚前性行为会带来什么社会影响?

(You may choose 1 or more answers) (你可以选择一个或多个答案)

A) Influence teenagers mind 影响青少年的思想     B) Degradation of moral 败坏道德风气    

C) Sex disease 性疾病

Other please specify:




5) In this premarital sex behavior, who will take the initiative usually? 在婚前性行为, 谁会先采取主动?

A) Male 男性     B) Female 女性     C) Both 两者都有




Thank you



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